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Friday, September 20, 2013

The Power of Words.

They say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." But that's false, because I think words might be the most powerful weapon of all. Physical bruises heal and eventually go away, but words are different. For every unkind word you've ever said about someone, I can guarantee someone heard it, and they won't be quick to forget about it.
People seem to forget that words have a lot more of an impact than you seem to realize. One unkind word can ruin someone's day or even make them choose to end their own lives. You can word something a certain way and make everyone go against a person. Yeah, words are that powerful.
As Demi Lovato says "People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten."

Words don't always hurt, because with some people it's easy to just let their criticism roll off your shoulders, but other times it's not that simple. We've all been called a mean name at some point, or we've all called someone else one. No one here is just the victim, because for every unkind word you've received, you have thrown out just as many at someone else. It doesn't matter what you've called them, because any degrading or vulgar word are equally painful. There really isn't much difference between being called an "idiot" and being called a "wh***" because both of them are going to hurt.

Some words do hurt more to be called, but either way it still hurts to be insulted. I've had my share of scars left from words, but I know that I've also thrown out the same words at other people. You get what you receive. The problem with insulting people besides the fact that it's inhumane and wrong, is that it can change your perception on things. If you tell someone enough times that they're ugly, stupid, or fat, eventually they're going to believe it. I know that from personal experience. 

What gives you the right to make someone else hate themselves? "You made me hate my own reflection, question every choice I make.. So I can try to be perfect, but I won't try to be fake." That was a song by my favorite band, Sleeping With Sirens.

That's why I always try to give people compliments, because I think a comment can make or break someone else's day, and change someone's perspective. If you tell someone they're beautiful, they won't believe you. But if you tell them they're worthless, stupid, or ugly, they're going to remember it for the rest of their lives. Words cannot be unsaid, and they can't be forgotten. The point of this rant is please think about what you're saying before you decide to say them. If you're one of those people who think it's funny to hurt others, I hope you step on a Lego, and I hope it haunts you forever that you're the reason for the scars on someone else's skin.

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