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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homosexuality and Homophobes.

So this is sort of a touchy subject for a lot of people, but it's a topic I feel the need to cover. We've all heard about gay rights, if you haven't, you're probably 4 years of age, and probably don't know how to read yet.

First off, homophobes; If there is one thing I absolutely cannot stand, it is homophobes. I don't believe homophobia exists, because a phobia is a legit fear of something. You aren't afraid of homosexuals, you're just a jerk. Don't like gay marriage? Well, it's a great thing you don't have to get one then! I mean, if a couple of homosexual men want to throw a wedding, the only way it should offend you is if you were not invited to it. Also, if you don't like homosexuality, blame straight people. They're the ones who keep having gay babies. People need to grow up, and stop trying to use the bible as an excuse for why homosexuality is wrong. You want to quote the bible at me for standing up for my beliefs that homosexuality is not a sin? Cool. I'll do the same thing right back at you sweetie.

If you really want to get down to quoting the bible at each other, it also says that you're not supposed to get divorced, have sex before marriage, or wear different fabrics. Whoops, it looks like a lot more of us are going to hell now, doesn't it. I really hate the fact that gay marriage is not legalized for the simple fact that some people think it's disgusting. I mean, I think beets are the most disgusting things ever, but WE'RE NOT MAKING THOSE ILLEGAL, now are we? Seriously, grow up, and get over the fact that gay marriage is going to happen, whether you enjoy it, or not. I mean, hating someone based on their sexuality is like going to the gym and getting mad at someone else for eating a donut because you're on a diet.


I personally see nothing wrong with gay marriage, or homosexuality whatsoever. It does not concern me, and I think that as a human being, we all deserve to find love, whether it's with someone of the opposite sex, or a toaster. Love who you want, be who you are. No one deserves to be treated like they're not a human being, for any reason. Stop trying to make the "gay" kid's life a living hell because he likes the same gender. For god's sake, just stop, take a second, and find your heart.

Another thing I hate about the whole stereotype of being gay, is that a homosexual person automatically hits on anyone of the same gender and automatically finds an attraction to them based on the fact that they are the same gender. Look, I regret to inform you of this, but being gay, bisexual, or transgender, follows the same guidelines as being straight. Shocking right? Look, ladies, you don't look at every guy you meet, and feel an instant attraction, do you? No, I didn't think so. Gentlemen, do you automatically want to date every female you come into contact with? Nope, I knew I was right. We don't look at every female or male we meet and feel an instant attraction. Stop assuming things, and actually get some insight into what it's like to be homosexual, or transgender, or anything like that, before you assume you know how their brains work.

You know their name, not their story. If you don't like your rights being taken away, don't take away the rights of someone else. You are not superior to everyone else, so bring yourself down to everyone else's level, and then you can voice your opinion... Until then, keep your mouth shut.
-Enlightening Tale Brethren


  1. =) i love the way you think

  2. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. :) You're such an amazing writer and to say that I wished I had your talent in writing is such an incredible understatement. You have a strong talent of accurately describing... everything. Keep blogging, it's great to read.
