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Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Pet Peeves.

It's a new year, a new set of problems to deal with. I know, I'm quite the optimistic. I've decided, for my first post of the new year, yikes, it's already 2014! It feels like just yesterday it was 2002 and I was starting kindergarten. Come to think of it, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. I could use a nap. I've decided for my first post to talk about all the stupid little things that annoy me, and believe me, there are a lot. I feel like maybe this isn't a great idea, because now anyone who reads this will know how to really get under my skin.

1. My Room- There are few different things involving my room that irk the everlasting crap out of me. My room is my favorite place to be, because it's the one place I don't have to hide. I sincerely enjoy being alone, and if it was up to me, I'd be perfectly content with not seeing another human being for months.

So my first pet peeve involving my room is when people enter without knocking. I highly advise against entering my room without permission, unless you feel like being scalded alive off the waves of anger I will generate. There is a very easy way to avoid this. It's called knocking. You knock, and wait for a response. "Yeah" does not mean come in, either. It means state your business and wait for my decision.

Another thing I hate is when people leave my door open when they leave. For pete's sake, it's not a hard thing to do. It take a whole three seconds, and we'll both be in better moods because you decided to do the smart thing, and close the door.

2. Calling Me More than Twice in Less than an Hour- I hate talking on the phone with an absolute passion. I would rather sit through three Jonas Brothers' concerts back-to-back than talk to anyone on the phone. I screen my phone calls frequently, and it's a bad habit that I need to learn to stop doing. I don't mind if someone calls me.. Usually. However, when you call me more than three times in less than an hour, I start to get REALLY annoyed. If I didn't answer the first two times, a third, or seventh time isn't going to make me change my mind.

3. Moochers- I have a few friends who like to mooch off of me, and it really irks me. I don't mind every now and then, because sharing is caring, but when they mooch off of me all the time, I really want to high five them in the face with a brick.

4. Singing When You Don't Know the Lyrics- I think this one annoys me more than most things. I cannot stand it when I am singing a song and someone thinks they're adorable by joining in with me and trying to sing along. This is not Glee, you peasant. Don't know the lyrics? Don't sing.

5. Having the Same thing Repeated 3, or 16 times or Having to Repeat Myself- I asked you what, and you replied, so I nodded my head in response, to let you know that I comprehend. However, that does not mean you need to repeat it again 10 more times. I'm good, really. My nephew has a bad habit of doing this, and I can't count how many times a day I snap at him because of it. I also cannot stand having to repeat myself. Once is fine, but after that, you're screwed. My nieces are frequently asking me "what?" after I just repeated myself again, and I usually just mutter "never mind" and storm off. Apparently it wasn't important enough to listen the first couple of times, so it's not important now either.

6. Poking Your Nose Where It Doesn't Belong- I wouldn't necessarily call myself a nice person, by any means. I'm cold, cruel, and selfish. I honestly don't understand how I have any friends. However, if you're nice to me, I'll be nice back, to an extent. What I cannot tolerate, however, is when people who I do not like decide to try to get my life story. I remember a few days ago I was talking to someone about a very big struggle I was going through, and this chick that I cannot stand came up and was like "What are you talking about?" Yeah, no. It's called go away, and it's located in the opposite direction of wherever I happen to be. Do not poke your nose in my business unless I specifically ask you to, which is rare, because I have an almost impossible time opening up to anyone. Even my best friends, who I trust almost completely with my life (never fully trust anyone, even Satan was once an angel), never fully know what I'm going through.

7. Being Rude- As stated above, I am not Snow White in any way. I am negative, repetitive, closed off, and temperamental. However, if all I did was tell you hi and you tell me where to stick my comment, we're going to have a problem. Take for example, Friday. I was in the locker room when a friend of mine came in (she's not in gym class) and started working on another person's hair. I jokingly asked her "Is this going to be an annual thing, you hanging out in the locker room?" And she laughed. However, the other girl decides to snap at me and ask me "Do you have a problem with her being in here, huh?" Well no, actually I had no problem with her being in there. I was joking. But someone obviously peed in her cheerios that morning, because she decided to be Cruella Deville.

8. Being Bossed Around- I try to be respectful, but there are times when I really want to tell our authority where they can stuff it. For instance, on Friday, I was late to gym, so I was warming up in the hallway, when a girl came out of the gym and decided to try to act like my mother. "You need to go in the gym."
"I'm warming up out here, thanks."
"Well, you need to warm up in the gym."
"You're not my mother."
"I know but-..."

Just stop right there. I don't mind being told what to do by certain people i.e. my guardians, teachers who are actually teaching me, and certain other authority figures. Just because you're a grade above me, that does not mean you get to try to boss me around.

9. Touching My Items Without Asking- My stuff is mine, plain and simple. There is no "we" in food, and "sharing" isn't in food either. I cannot stand when people enter my room, or locker, or whatever, and begin digging around. Like I'm sorry, can I help you? Did you lose your brain in my sock drawer?

10. "You Need to Respect Me Because I'm Older"- Mmmm, no. That's not going to work for me. I grew up learning that respect is earned, not given. Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean that you automatically deserve my respect, at all.

11. Being Touched- I am not a person who enjoys physical contact. Infact, if you're stupid enough to attempt it, you might find inanimate objects thrown your way. I'm fairly simple to get along with. All you have to do is not touch my food, belongings, myself, or breathe on me. Don't touch me, plain and simple.

12. People Who Cannot Spell- I get that not everyone knows every word of the Oxford Dictionary by heart, and I admit that my spelling is not perfect, by any means, but at least I make an effort to improve. As you can see, I use commas, periods, and question marks where they are needed. I also spell all my words out instead of "hay hw ru". Like gah, I will not willingly talk to you if you cannot at least make an effort to use proper English. There is a reason Aliens have kept themselves hidden from us, and this is why. You aren't cute using "z" to replace "s".

1 comment:

  1. Blog check! Pinned it. Excellent posts as always. This one made me laugh out loud. Be sure to add call action for comments at the end and key image in upper left. Good stuff!
